City Wildlife is expecting hundreds of orphaned babies!

Each spring City Wildlife receives a flood of orphaned wild babies of all varieties: rabbits, squirrels, songbirds, and many more. In fact, fully half of all the animals that City Wildlife admits each year come in between May 1 and July 31. On a busy day we take in a new patient every 15 minutes.
And raising the orphans is expensive. Even above the cost of all the food, cleaning supplies, cages, and equipment they need, there is the cost of hiring extra people to care for all the babies. Our payroll costs nearly double in these busy months.
We need your help to take care of these little ones so they grow up healthy, strong, and self-reliant! The babies we raise are cute, but they are not just that. They are a part of the future of wildlife in our communities.
To support our baby shower, click HERE.
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