Foxes are mainly nocturnal. They can be found eating eggs, mammals, reptiles, birds, insects, fish, seeds, and fruit. They give birth to a litter of three to six kits each spring. While the kits are still growing, their parents may leave them alone for periods of time. As long as the kits are playing and appear healthy, there is no need to be concerned; their parents will return. Foxes are a rabies vector species and cannot be treated at City Wildlife.
It is fine to see foxes out during the day; however, if you find one that is sick or exhibiting unusual behavior, contact DC Animal Care and Control at 202-576-6664. If you see a fox that appears to be weak and missing fur, it likely has mange.
If you know for a fact that kits have been orphaned, contact DC Animal Care and Control at 202-576-6664.