Eastern box turtles are the most common species of turtle in DC. They are also a Species of Greatest Conservation Need. Eastern box turtles are a solitary species and have very specific home ranges. They eat plants, fruit, seeds, insects, small reptiles and amphibians, and carrion. They lay between one and eight eggs each year. Females bury their eggs in dirt, but don’t stick around, leaving hatchlings to fend for themselves. When threatened, Eastern box turtles hide in their shells. Each winter, Eastern box turtles reduce their activity and brumate.
If you find an Eastern box turtle attempting to cross a road, please pick it up and place it on the other side of the road in the direction it was travelling. If not, an Eastern box turtle will still attempt to cross the road to get to wherever it is headed.
If you find a sick or injured box turtle, contact us at 202-882-1000.