Almost everyone is familiar with the migration of the monarch butterfly. Each year, they fly thousands of miles to reach warmer climates in the south and avoid the coldest part of the winter frost. Not many butterflies undertake a journey of this magnitude. In fact, only a few species migrate. Why? Migrating butterflies are not like migrating [Read More …]
Where Are They In The Winter: Reptiles and Amphibians
Most reptiles and amphibians remain in the same area most of their lives. During the winter they have various techniques to help them survive the colder temperatures, both above water and under it. Many turtles burrow into the ground, either on dry land or in the dense mud at the bottom of lakes, streams, and other bodies of water. The Eastern [Read More …]
Where Are They In The Winter: Mammals
Mammals use a variety of techniques to survive the colder months. Some migrate to warmer climates where food is more readily available. Others remain in their home range, growing thick winter coats and altering their diets. Some mammals, like squirrels will do “pre-season preparation” where they create large caches of foods in the fall that can [Read More …]
Where Are They In The Winter: Birds
Although migratory birds usually garner all the attention, many beautiful birds can be found in our area all winter long. In fact, winter is one of the best times to enjoy your local bird life. With most of the leaves off the trees, visibility is often better and many brightly colored birds such as Northern Cardinals and Blue Jays are easy to spot [Read More …]